There is the common perception that GOD has to cause a huge war (and when I say GOD I am talking about the real GOD not flesh and blood “humanoid” beings) — that GOD has to do these very blood-thirsty events to influence a drastic turnaround. But, lets think about this issue out of the box; there is infact alot of very basic things that GOD can do to affect the way of operations here on earth. For those who are war-mongers, he could basically make things to where rockets and nuclear power are no longer useful in the earth’s atmosphere. If you are thinking about ground combat, no problem, GOD fucked up the speech of the people in the days of the Tower Of Babble and had everyone confused as fuck (atleast that’s how the story goes, to give an example), but who knows, he could opt to make people blind as shit temporarily next time or indefinitely. He can make it to where you don’t have the strength to even lift a finger, or to mention use that cutlass or bat or hold a gun. He could shut off all the “satellites” and stop electricity, or cause really bad weather; you name it. So it doesn’t necessarily have to go the “blood-thirsty” way people think it would.

I am not a retarded “hype” bitch; that’s not my style. It’s humble to let the motherfxxking facts speak for themselves 💯👍😂

41 thoughts on “COMMENT [771]

  1. Going to was is part of “free will”. Also He stated that He would no longer intervene in the affairs of man-kind.

    I heard an interesting theory. The Seals of the L-rd have been hidden in Earth. The most war-torn areas which are in constant battle are because they are in very close proximity to a Seal.

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    1. Yes you are right lol. But GOD does not have to “follow” our free will or what we think is necessarily going to happen.

      That’s an interesting theory. That’s not to say that I support the theory but you shared it with me, so that’s my opinion on it lol

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      1. Why would G-d give free will and then take it away?
        Why would G-d promise not to intervene in the affairs of man, then turn around and stop the wars?
        Is G-d’s word not a covenant?

        And the seal theory always interested me.

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        1. Free will is a gift, god cares about his creation and want things to be right, that why he would prefer that we listen to him. GOD did not “promise not to intervene” in the affairs of human activity lol. Yes GOD means what he says, people just hear what they want lol


          1. “GOD did not “promise not to intervene” in the affairs”

            If you are of Christian belief, you know that G-d spent 500 years not intervening. Then he sent Jesus to guide the way, which is direct intervention. Then he left the Holy Spirit to continue his works through the individual who is to carry the good deeds set forth throughout the Old and New Testament.

            And once free will is given, it has been given. He gave man free will, even after the rebellion of the angels knowing what could happen. Then Adam and Eve ate the Apple. It was their choice, not His for them to disobey and follow temptation. In the Old Testament, G-d intervened when he felt it was necessary, but it did not cause nonbelievers to believe. Instead he was destroying his creation repeatedly as punishment. Any good power will see that direct abuse like that gives no one a chance to learn. When thrown out of Sodom and Gemmorah, G-d provided rules for the family to escape. She turned around despite the warnings and was turned to salt. There was a town near the cave they took shelter in (they went to the town but left for the cave) so his daughters got him drunk to become pregnant rather than seek worthy men in the town. G-d demanded that in order to receive his laws (AFTER freeing them and splitting the Red Sea) that there shall be no idols, so first thing they did was melt gold and shale it into a calf. There is little point in direct intervention when the people refuse to listen. So he sent Christ to speak his words as a gift. Jesus did so for 33 years, performed miracles and rose from the dead. Still, the people CHOSE to not hear. That is free will. Direct intervention in war will not stop the next one or create believers. It will just postpone what is most likely the inevitable.

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            1. You have effectively given multiple ways that GOD did “intervene”, so it actually contradicts your previous assertions. As a matter of fact there is alot of passages in the bible that even speak of “prophecies” and what will happen in the last days and how he will be back — he is not going to comeback to wash his shoes and socks; of course this means that he is going to govern the earth, essentially intervening into what’s happening on earth.

              Yes people choose to do what they want with free will, it doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences. That’s why it is logical to make the correct moves if you want to minimize undesirable outcomes — people can decide what works for them but GOD knows life better than anyone. But nothing you said proved that GOD “promised not to intervene” as you said to me that he did.


              1. G-d has permitted Satan to attempt to control and decieve humans into acting in his best interest with a set end-date which remains unknown to us. Until said time, G-d will not protect us from our own decisions.

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                1. You made a good point but if we turn to GOD and listen to GOD and not satan, we will be guided by GOD despite the influence of satan and this is the key, GOD knows we can do it — some will some won’t lol.


                  1. I said that in my previous reply. That is the definition of the Holy Spirit. It is the versio of G-d that lives inside the believers, in their hearts, which assist them in turning away from Satan. That is all G-d does, is he permits the Holy Spirit to enter the humans, but it’s up to them to listen. Free will.

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                    1. People have to accept the holy spirit and welcome the holy spirit technically he is inside of people but in reality god is his own being and people can have a fatherly relationship with GOD since we are like his “children” so to speak 👍😂


                    2. OK… I need to know in order for my comments to be adjusted accordingly, because I’m going off of sheer guessing here. Are you Christian? Like is there just G-d, or is Jesus and the Holy Spirit in there? Are you agnostic? Like help me out so that I can try to tailor the responses to your rather than a novel trying to cover every contigency

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                    3. I am a mysterious “religious” fellow, who’s only “obvious” mission is bring back basics brilliantly 💯😂😂

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                    4. It’s very hard to make a cohesive thought when all I’m given is “I’m religious.” I’m not, yet I’m sitting here throwing New and Old Testaments at you. Wait, I have a theory. Are you not Judeo-Christian? Are you a monotheist outside of those two choices using G-d as a catch all term for one who is above?

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                    5. I fail to apply or assign anything other than “religious” 🤭🤣🤣


                    6. That is your choice, but it is curious. That is all.

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                    7. I am playing around babe 😂😘😘


                    8. I do not actually expect an answer. That’s a question I should not have asked to start with. I know better than to ask someone about their religious beliefs. I am sorry.

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                    9. Don’t be sorry I took no offense 👍😂, I found it a fair question and I was just playing around hahaa. I grew up in a Christian family 😇💯. How about you?


                    10. A mixed household. My mother was catholic and my father Jewish. Raised in a Jewish school and came home to Christmas Trees and Rosaries

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                    11. Wow that’s mixed indeed. Good to see your background sweetheart 👌🙏🤩


                    12. We came out all sorts of mixed up LOL
                      The middle sister is a straight, hard core athiest.
                      Baby sister doesn’t even bother thinking about these concepts at all, but aligns with Agnostic.
                      I am more spiritual and less “religious” per say.

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                    13. Hahaha yes I know what you mean lol. Even in my family there are some differences in individual beliefs, denominations etc, because even within “Christianity”, there are still slightly different versions of teachings and perspectives, not to mention that even though most of my family are Christian, not all of them are; some are Rasta, some are not christian per-say but still believe in GOD, and others maybe different things lol.


                    14. It’s funny, you always write it with all caps. It’s the a conscious choice? Because although I am not a believer, I always write G-d or L-rd because it was drilled into me in school and although spell check doesn’t like it, it’s unconsciousuntil I have to correct it

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                    15. yes it is a conscious choice when I refer to the almighty as GOD in all caps haha.

                      Lol I was wondering how come you typed “g-o” instead of “God” and “L-ord” instead of “Lord” but I wasn’t expecting that was something you learned in school, so that is quite interesting to find out 😂

                      When you said “unconsciousuntil” I thought that was an actual word for a second 🤣🤣


                    16. I was taught to never write His name. You substitute the “o” with a dash. G-d. L-rd. If you write it in full, although it is not His true name, the writing has now become holy, and must be handled with the same care as a holy writing, therefore buried when damaged. Once you get used to it, the word actually looks wrong if not in a religious text. I have found myself wincing on occasion. If there was any chance of anyone actually understanding, I would rather write יי or יוהו. But no one would understand even that’s where most Christians get it. 🤷‍♀️

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                    17. Oh, I would have never guessed that because that is not thought in the bible and writing his name or saying is name is basically the only way to know who you are talking about lol


                    18. Actually, that is not true. Any capitalized pronoun is a reference to who you are talking about. Usually masculine or plural. “He”, “His”, and on rarer occasions, “They”, “Them.”

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                    19. I see what you are saying and your point is correct in general. But I wasn’t just talking about some capitalized pronoun; I was talking about “who” specifically. If you don’t write the whole name, it can cause problems for people to properly identify who exactly you are talking about.

                      We have the benefit of knowing who are are actually talking about since we grew up in a society who talks about GOD and Jesus all the time, but for anyone who isn’t familiar with who or what GOD is or how is name is actually spelled, not writing out the full name can be confusing and misleading since the “o” that is removed can be easily replaced with any letter in the English alphabet by anyone who does not know it should be an “o” 😂😂.


                    20. Then they simply won’t understand. It’s one of those things: it’s been drilled into my mind so I’d rather others have no idea what I’m talking about than break that silly rule that doesn’t even apply to my beliefs 😂
                      But I have no issue referring to him as יהוה if you feel that would be easier to understand 😉

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                    21. Haha but in some instances that defeats the purpose to some extent, because GOD is supposed to be talked about and to be known of as clearly as possible, not to be hidden lol

                      But if that’s what you prefer because that’s what you were though in school, that’s ok — it’s not about doing me personally a favor 😂😂. This is about GOD, not me, and as far as I know, GOD did not say it was a sin to refer to him as something that recognizes that he is GOD and the one and only creator — we are actually supposed to praise and worship and glorify him to the max LOL


                    22. Actually, G-d has 13 names, and none of them are able to be used or known outside of a small group. Each name has a power that cannot be entrusted in the general population, therefore, the word that you imbue with such power is not actually any power at all. It’s a nickname of sorts.

                      And until Vatican 2, priests faced away from the congregation and the whole service was in Latin so that the common people were not able to follow. The priests were the most educated and therefore respected.

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                    23. It doesn’t matter if there is 13 names or 1 name, alot of cultures just refer to him as 1 main name, but that is not the issue at hand. The issue at hand is that there is no known requirement by GOD himself to hide his name, or names, the only thing that I can say is that he did say not to use his name in vain, but that’s about it. He did not say that you can’t use his full name when referring to him, because what is the point?, how are we referring to him but do not use his full name but we want people to know exactly who we mean?. The two don’t quite go together lol.

                      The info you shared about the Vatican 2 is interesting but I am not talking about this from a historical stand-point. I am talking about this from a biblical contextual standpoint, in that, you will not find anywhere in the actual scriptures of the bible, where GOD demanded that his full name not be used.


                    24. It does go together, because you do not know the true name anyway. One of the reasons He is also commonly referred to השם (HaShem, literally The Name). If you don’t know the true Name, how do you even know you are speaking of the same G-d others are anyway? You don’t.

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                    25. Whether I think that you know the true name or that you don’t know the true name, or you think that I know the true name or that I don’t know the true name, is not the main point 😂😂. GOD himself in no scripture or passage within the bible, demanded for his full name not to be used. Show me in the bible any scripture where he said do not use his full name lol
                      If you don’t know the true Name, how do you even know you are speaking of the same G-d others are anyway? You don’t.”

                      that’s a valid question but If I chose to believe in GOD, it’s based on my own reasons, it doesn’t have to align with anyone else’s; but I would find it even cooler if it does lol


                    26. “Whether I think that you know the true name or that you don’t know the true name, or you think that I know the true name or that I don’t know the true name, is not the main point”
                      The point is that neither of us do. Therefore the dash confuses no one. Up until this particular conversation you knew Who I was referring to
                      “If I chose to believe in GOD, it’s based on my own reasons, it doesn’t have to align with anyone else’s”
                      No they don’t. And neither do mine 😇

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                    27. “The point is that neither of us do. Therefore the dash confuses no one. Up until this particular conversation you knew Who I was referring to”

                      That’s your sexy opinion 😂☺️; the thing is, if I believe that I am infact referring to him within reasonable thought and knowledgeable information, then that’s what I or anyone is free to do — I am just saying. I am not necessarily of the view that I am using the wrong “reference”, we all use different languages that G-d created so he would understand that whether I say “GOD” or “השם”, it’s going to appear different in written-form or sound different in verbal communication but he would understand what it all “means” since he is the reason that there is many different languages in the first place.

                      “No they don’t. And neither do mine 😇”

                      Hahaha I am glad that you feel that way as well babe 😇💖🌹.


                    28. “since he is the reason that there is many different languages in the first place.”
                      Nice slipping in the Tower of Babble.

                      I enjoy debating this with you, and I don’t know why. Probably because most people get very upset when you don’t agree. But you don’t and I don’t so it’s just interesting to see the two sides. By the way, the word you copied into this comment was HaShem, which literally translates to The Name. Adonai is the accepted pronunciation of yud-yud (יי) even though both letters roughly translate to the English sound i or Y. Finally, others say YahWeh which is taken from yud-hay-vuv-hay (יהוה) which translates to YHWH. All of these are names of G-d, none of them are considered the TRUE name. As I said, there are believed to be 13 names of G-d that we just will never know as they are entrusted to a select few. The name G-d comes from the Old Testament, but is what the people named him. The New Testament refers to the Metatron, which is the voice of G-d as humans cannot comprehend it. Even if it’s a burning bush. So the limitation is inherent that the true Name would be obscured based on human limitation.

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                    29. I am glad you love debating this with me; you are making this very interesting as well honey 🥰💝

                      “Nice slipping in the Tower of Babble.”

                      Hahaa, yes the different languages, according to the books of the bible, first appeared at the “Tower of Babble”. But in general, the emphasis is usually placed on the alphabetical structure of the letters in the word and not the meaning. Of course the words will be spelt different in english compared to other languages, but the point is also the meaning — the lettering does not matter as much as the meaning does. Words can be spelled different but have the same meaning.

                      When you say “there are believed to be 13 names of G-d that we just will never know as they are entrusted to a select few”, it seems like you are talking about, in general from a historical stand-point, what the common debate is among scholars about which name is the true name.

                      But from a biblical perspective relative to actually studying the scriptures to learn about what they say about GOD and his teachings and Jesus etc, alot of these “names” are actually seen as true and real, or as close as you can get when translated etc etc. So for you, that might not be good enough but for many people, these names and identities are accurate, it is not up to me or you to make that decision on behalf of them, because that’s just not how this kind of thing works lol.


                    30. “When you say “there are believed to be 13 names of G-d that we just will never know as they are entrusted to a select few”, it seems like you are talking about, in general from a historical stand-point, what the common debate is among scholars about which name is the true name. “

                      I can see how that can sound like that. Ok. So, as I was taught, so shall I teach because I have thought not a smidge about this for 25 years. So there are the 5 books of the Torah. Judaism is built in the first 5 books. The Old Testament is indeed Jewish, but the Holy portion is the 5 books, referred to specifically as the Torah. There are many people who learn the Torah for the purpose of becoming a Rabbi and they attend Yishiva or basically Rabbinical College. There they study the Kibbala and other works. The Kibbalah is the study of the Jewish mysticism. General Rabbis study this text in a general way, but there are Kabbalah specialists as well. Among the specialists, few are picked to ascend higher in their studies and from there even fewer. Ultimately, it becomes very few – the last time I learned about this it was about 1 every 13 years from across all Judaic Yishevas. These individuals are part of an elite group who have been in trusted with very ancient information, including the true names of G-d. These names cannot fall into the hands of the general population because these names each have a power that cannot truly be defined. There is power in a name, imagine the power in G-d’s truest names. It is believed by simply uttering one of these names, you can bring destruction or creation with it. Atom Bombs wouldn’t compare, and neither would the Big Bang Theory. So these few are entrusted with this information that is beyond any knowledge the rest of us will ever have. So the name “G-d” is not a true name, it is just the name that is the most common. A good example would be the name Giuseppe. It is not a common name outside of Italy, and therefore not easily pronounced in America by many. So it would be abbreviated to Joe. Everyone would call this person Joe and everyone would know who the other meant when they spoke of Joe. But when his mother got angry and screamed “Giuseppe” out her front door, everyone knew a rain of hell was coming for him. Same thing. G-d is equivalent to Joe in this poor analogy. It is the name everyone knows and accepts, but it is not one of the true names.
                      I am not making decisions for anyone. They are entitled to believe whatever they chose. That is something that the literature dictates: free will. One can believe however they want. One can chose not to believe. One can believe that Jesus was merely a man and that there is only one true G-d, while others can believe in a holy trinity. It is your decision on how you believe.
                      My grandmother was very wise. She came from Italy and was VERY Roman Catholic, but instilled it into all of her children. She asked if they believed in G-d. When it was confirmed, she would ask, why is your G-s better than anyone else’s G-d? The right answer for her was always “He isn’t”. Whether he is G-d, Jesus, HaShem, or Allah, they are all the same G-d. It is his children who have chosen to divide and go to war over his name. Never hate your neighbor for they believe no differently than you do. Love your neighbor as you would love G-d, because neither is within your ability to truly understand.

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                    31. We cannot fool GOD abut his own name, therefore it does not matter who is “entrusted” with some “higher knowledge” and who thinks that they are keeping GOD’s secrets of the universe. If such knowledge was not given to them directly from GOD with that privilege, they are in no real or serious position to assert themselves as being “worthy” of anything over anyone else, so I am not really that caught up on this kind of thing.

                      Yes there is power in GOD’s name but not in the sense that it can be used to “overpower” when someone just wants to use it as some kind of wizardry, surely GOD knows better than that, not to mention that GOD’s name is an uplifting an empowering name. What you said about a belief that there are some names that cannot fall into the hands of the general public because they can cause considerable destruction and so-on sounds to me like “superstition” lol. I am not into superstition — GOD did not give such power to anyone on Earth — he can do what he needs to do himself; if anything is to happen it would have to be through him. There is no magic name of GOD that you can just pull-up and say to have your own way. If that was the case, some fool would have done that already and be here ruling with an iron fist. GOD will not give anyone that kind of power because he is the only one we should respect in such a manner. You said that “GOD” in not a real name, but “GOD/G-d/L-rd” is not supposed to be a real “name”. By definition, GOD is called GOD because of the meaning of that term, and he is the “only” one that should be called that because of what it MEANS.

                      You said that you are not making decisions for anyone which is good, and you also said that it is a matter that the literature dictates — the literature also dictates that we are to spread GOD’s name; whether it means “name” in literal words or name in reputation, he did not demand that we make his “name” obscure and vague and leave out letters out of his name 🤣🤣.

                      Your grandmother was spot-on. I don’t believe that “my GOD” is better than any one else’s GOD. I only believe that their is one GOD and that anything else is not a “god” and is actually a misinterpretation. I can believe that my interpretation is more “accurate” than some other interpretation based on how the the interpretations line-up with reality, but once again, this kind of thing comes back down to perspective. I don’t have to agree, you don’t have to agree; you are free to agree, I am free to agree lol. I can have a different view from your interpretation and still respect you as an individual.

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                    32. “I can have a different view from your interpretation and still respect you as an individual.”

                      And that is what my grandmother was saying. And it’s a relief to hear another person agreeing with it because I’ve heard so many other things in this life.

                      A woman came up to us on that campus while a few of us were talking and called us sinners who would go to hell because we didn’t believe in Jesus and threw holy water at us to cleanse us for our parents’ error. All of my friends were freaked out but I wasn’t. Holy water isn’t going to make you love Jesus or wash the Jewry out of you. It’s water imbued with her faith. And whether you believe in Jesus, the Devil, or the Holy Spirit, all descend from G-d’s love. It’s just a different perspective. Even Lucifer was one of G-d’s angels and stood to the left of Him until he chose to rebel and ultimately rule hell. If G-d is all powerful and all-knowing, who is that woman that she should feel it necessary to sneak into a campus full of children and frighten them. That does not increase faith, and it won’t switch a non-believer in Jesus to a believer. All she did was frighten children for no reason and make those that follow Christ seem insane. Which they are not as a whole. The only difference between Jews and Gentiles is the belief in Christ and his teachings. If Jesus was the son of G-d and was out on Earth to spread the Word and Love of G-d, all she succeeded in doing was proving that her faith was weaker than mine. I never felt the need to change anyone. That is not what Judaism believes. You don’t go around splashing children with the Torah scrolls. But throughout history, Gentiles have attacked the Jews for their disbelief in Christ, or blame them 2,000 years later for the death of Christ, ignoring the fact that as part of their religion they accept the Old Testament, but chose not to follow the rules of Leviticus, but they ARE there. And one group following it does not make it wrong or right, just as one faith believing in water blesses by a Priest doesn’t make them right or wrong. The only right thing is to live with your neighbor in peace and prosper together. The only truly wrong thing is to fill yourself with hate and violence and cruelty and then go home and say grace as though the actions of the day will be wiped clean for the thanks you give for the food you will eat.

                      A swastika painted on a wall doesn’t bring community, and brings fear. Saying Grace before eating cannot erase that. And the sheer act of painting it does little more than prove that your personal faith in your religion is weak. If you had strong faith in your beliefs you would not need to paint that symbol for the Holy Spirit of G-d should be in you and you should “love thy neighbor”. But in practice, this never is true. Throughout history, people have persecuted each other and started “Holy Wars”, and that is just stupid. Your G-d is my G-d no matter what one believes.

                      The worst part of it all is the bastardization of beautiful things. Things that should be revered and respected. The swastika started out as an Hindi symbol. It meant peace, acceptance, and tolerance of others. Some 89 years ago a pint sized man with a belief in his own superiority flipped the symbol to face the other direction and used it to kill as many people as he could. A sign that meant peace now meant hate. The flipping of it doesn’t matter, it’s a bastardization of something beautiful and imbuing it with hatred and intolerance.

                      Sorry. This got long 😒 but I do love this topic.

                      Liked by 1 person

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